Community Council Minutes 1-24-2022
1/24/22 Lakeview Community Council meeting
(Shane Robertson and Jane Adams not in attendance)
-The meeting was opened by Cathie Fisther, and the time was turned over to Principal Okey.
-Lakeview has a new classroom online security system.
-Lakeview just recently finished their middle of the year Acadiance testing for reading.
-Mr. Okey shared the Acadience test results with us for each grade. We saw the scores for the beginning of the year vs. the middle of the year, both composite scores and the scores for reading accuracy.
-There are some instances where scores have gone down or stayed the same. Some of that is due to additional different test areas being added to the middle of the year tests. In general, improvement is being seen.
-Our goal #1 in our Trustlands plan for reading was that 70% of our students achieve typical or above typical growth in at least one area.
-Mrs. Crocker spoke up and said that she appreciates this new Acadiance data, and is changing her instruction to include more work on decoding words to help her students with reading.
-The state target for Acadiance is 82% (unsure if this is composite, and if it is the goal for all grades)
-Miss Wallace discussed the types of things they do in 5th grade to help students with reading.
-The teachers and Mr. Okey discussed how many students are coming into school with less than the typical amount of stamina for instruction and learning. Some may be due to Covid related lockdowns. It has taken some time to get students ready to learn, but teachers have noticed a big increase in student readiness to learn after a couple of months of acclimation.
-Ms. Bennion is the reading coach. She compiles a lot of the Acadiance data.
-Lakeview spends most of its Trustlands money on para professionals. Aides to each grade prove to be very helpful.
-Lakeview has also been doing the Champion Reading program. They took a break for testing, but will get back into it now.
-The Chromebook lease costs $15,000 a year. About half of that cost is paid for with TSSA money. Mr. Okey proposed using $5000 of Trustlands money to help pay for the Chromebooks. The remainder would be paid for with other revenue sources like school funds. A vote was held to use $5000 of Trustlands money to help pay for Chromebooks.The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
-The $5000 from Trustlands was most of the carryover amount from last year, so it's good that we use that.
-Our Trustland plan goal #2 for math was that 90% of students from K-6 will demonstrate growth from the beginning to the end of the year, as assessed by SGA testing.
-Miss Wallace discussed recent SGA testing for fractions in 5th grade. She said that in her class at the beginning of the year, only 1 student could answer the problems on fractions. Now, at least 70% of the class are proficient in fractions.
-Mrs. Crocker is still completing her SGA testing. Her second graders are being tested on basic math concepts, and she is seeing much improvement.
-Mr. Okey will share grade SGA data at our next community council meeting.
-Some Lakeview students did not come to school during the soft closure of Roy Junior and Roy High last week.
-Paraprofessionals and the computer lab specialist will help so that teachers can meet together and compare data from recent testing and discuss what might be needed for their grades.
-The computer lab specialist also helps students get on Dreambox and IXL, both math learning programs. IXL may be used more next year. A specialist can be scheduled to come in and show more features of the software to teachers.
-Report on digital safety: teachers have lessons they give using Nearpods as of this year. These lessons are a bit longer and more in depth than old digital safety training. Teachers don't have to complete the lessons till the end of the year. Teachers check the lessons complete as they finish them. Mr. Okey recommends doing a few of the lessons every month.
-Need to update the child routing/safety plan. Mr. Okey will follow up with Mrs. Boren and Mr. Nakasoni, who are the school safety coordinators. They coordinate with the district safety coordinator. This plan includes an evacuation plan and discussion of crosswalks/routes to school.
- Mr. Okey received a parent concern about the crosswalk from the school parking lot on the east side. The parent was concerned that there is not a second crosswalk further down the street. He checked with the city but has not heard back from that parent or from the city.
-Mr. Okey is concerned about curb painting on the south side of the school. The curb is painted red for about 30 feet on the inlet, but not painted on the outlet, where there really is concern about parent parking. Mr. Okey would like to find out if painting this curb is a district or city responsibility.He would like to remove some of the red paint on the inlet, and add red painted no parking area of curb on the outlet.
-Mrs. Crocker said that she appreciates this year's policy of having all the staff go outside with the students and stay with them for dismissal. It is making things go much more smoothly.
-Mr. Okey will try to send out a reminder of jobs available with the city to be a crossing guard. Schools/city always need more crossing guards.
-Our next community council meeting will be on March 7.
-The final Trustlands plan deadline has been delayed. Mr. Okey will plan on having the final draft of our plan ready for us to look at at our next meeting on March 7.
-The meeting was adjourned.