Community Council Minutes 1-11-2021
Lakeview Elementary Community Council
11/2/2020 3:30pm Held Virtually on Google Meet | Meeting called to order by Spencer Okey
In Attendance
Spencer Okey, Catherine Fisher, Susan Schriener, Jillian Hanes, Jaimee Stonehocker, Nancy Crocker, Nate Shoell, Meredith Hoskins, Jordan Schmidt.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were approved by all.
Chair: Catherine Fisher Term: 2020-2021/2021-2022
Vice Chair: Susan Schreiner Term: 2020-2021/2021-2022
Secretary: Jillian Hanes Term: 2020-2021/2021-2022
Budget was not discussed in this meeting.
Meeting Notes
1: Mr. Okey shared a video from the Trustland Committee about safety. Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, School Safety, Positive Behaviors and Optional Others for Behaviors were themes that the council could discuss. The Council puts input into the plan that the Principal puts together for our school. The plan that will be implemented each year will be based on the Administrative Reports, then put together by the Principal, then to the council for input and amended or changed as needed, then taken to be implemented. School safety is important to all but Administration and Teachers may have different areas of interest from parents which is why the Council is needed.
2: Mrs. Hoskins presents on her position as the Safety Coordinator for Lakeview. She discussed that the needs for a safety coordinator at the school are important for fire drills, procedures for after school pick up and procedures for any and all events that may happen during the course of the year. There have been issues with older kids coming on to the property and exhibiting unfavorable behaviors and they have been dealt with as they have happened. Teachers are all aware of the safety procedures. Mr. Okey discussed the recommitment to having more teachers outside to allow for strength in numbers to avoid confrontational issues with Junior High students coming back to the school. He said that there have been issues with the procedures in the parking lot with Parents not getting their kids. The Council discussed reemphasizing the parking and pick up procedures that began last year and perhaps allowing the PTA to assist with getting the messages out.
3: Trustlands Video: Overview of the creation, process and benefits of the Trusts for Schools and Institutions in the State of Utah.
4: Title I: Mr. Okey discusses what we use our Title I funds for. So far the Title I monies have been used for a Recess Aide as well as so far 7 touch screen smart boards because ours were so old that the district could not even reuse them for parts. Other parts of this money were used for the Fall Family Activity with The Chocolate Touch books and another similar activity in the Spring. He would also like to use the funds for each of the teachers to make a walk through of their CANVAS classrooms to benefit those students and families that have to quarantine.
5: TSSA/Trustlands/Title I Budget 20-21: Mr. Okey shared the file with us showing exactly what the Trustlands budget is being used for. Most of it is used for Salaries for more aides and a teacher. Most of the teachers have not used Brain Pop and we should consider removing it from our curriculum spending. He plans to use $5000 to buy devices for 2nd, 1st and Kindergarten so the school will be a 1-to-1 school. Right now we have ipads for those grades and the transition will be difficult but once the change is made, it will be easier in the future. Aide expenditures are invaluable and the Teachers. We are on track to be right in line with the plan.
6: Acadience Testing Growth Data: Due to unfinished learning from the Pandemic from 3/2020-5/2020, our students came in with a 33% less proficiency level than in previous years. The teacher experiences have been that quarantined students have had the most drop. There is a richer learning experience with in person schooling. We are only mid-year though and gains can still be made. Mr. Okey will be working with the Lead Team to see where they would benefit most from the Trustland Funds and we can discuss it at the next meeting.
Next Meeting Dates
3/1/2021 3:30pm Monday 5/3/2021 3:30pm Monday