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Community Council Minutes 3-5-2019

Community Council Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2019
Room 26
Members present: Shirley Passey, David Campbell, Amy Peterson, Cathy Fisher, Debbie Merrill, Susan Schreiner, Matty Bryant
The meeting was called to order at 4:30.
We started the meeting by reviewing the changes to the Trustland goals.
We would like to add to the Trust Lands 2019-2020 goals two more aids, one for math and one for reading to help with content.
We would like to purchase educational DVD’s for teacher professional development to support content areas.
Our students will be assessed on their growth in Math. The school goal will be to have 75% of students show growth. There will be beginning, middle, and end of year tests to provide this data.
If our school is given more money than we have planned on for the year it was proposed that we spend it in one or more of these items: fine arts, the purchase of items to help with behavior and social skills, the purchase of items to help with science.
Matty Bryant brought to our attention that Weber State has a program where they will come to our school and help us with art integration. He said to contact the education department to find out how we can get them to come to Lakeview.
We made all necessary changes in wording and monetary amounts in the Trust Lands Plan for the 2019/2020 school year. These changes were voted on and approved unanimously.
We adjourned at 5:40