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Community Council Minutes 1-22- 2019

Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2019

In the Library

Members present: Shirley Passey, David Campbell, Amy Peterson, Cathy Fisher, Debbie Merrill, Susan Schreiner

Absent: Matty Bryant

The meeting was called to order at 4:30.

We started the meeting by discussing the Dibbles scores.  At the beginning of the year (BOY) 60% of our students were on or above grade level.  At the middle of the year (MOY) 62% of our students were on or above grade level. Our goal was to match the state at 62% growth in reading.

Next we discussed our Trustland goals for next year.  The goals are due Friday March 8th.  The wording needs to be simplified.  Shirley will talk to the teachers and get their input on the goals and then present them to the council for approval.  We discussed changing the word growth to proficiency. Also adding Leader In Me, a math aid, and possibly an Americorp aid to the “What to do with the extra money” section.

The next meeting will be on March 5, 2019 at 4:30 in room 26.

We adjourned at 5:30