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Community Council Minutes 5-14-2019

Minutes from Community Council Meeting  5/14/19
Susan Schreiner
Cathie Fisher
Debbie Merrill
Mrs. Passey
Object of discussion: how to allocate the $100.00/student stipend coming to the school through the TSSA money.
The group agreed unanimously to use the approximately $31,500 to keep pay 1/2 of a teachers salary so she remains full time as opposed to losing her to another school because her current full-time position is only being funded as a part-time for 4th grade in 2019.2020 school year.  . Remaining funds could be used to hire another aide for the upper grades.  There will be approximately $15,000 left to hire a couple of aides.  
Thank you everyone,
Cathie Fisher

May 14th 2019

Held at Lakeview Elementary


Susan Schreiner

Cathie Fisher

Debbie Merrill

Mrs. Passey

Hi everyone,

I believe the amount needed to keep Ms. Boyson on is $31,500.00 as there was already enough to keep her on half time without this additional money. There will be approximately $15,000.00 left to hire a couple of aides.

Susan Schreiner

Object of discussion: how to allocate the $100.00/student stipend coming to the school (I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the stipend)

The group agreed unanimously to use the approximately $45,000.00 to keep Ms. Boyson as a full time teacher as opposed to the part-time for 4th grade. Remaining funds would be used to hire another aide for the upper grades.

Thank you everyone

Cathie Fisher