PTA Minutes 9-1-2022
Lakeview PTA Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday 09/01/2022 5-6pm
Attendees: Spencer Okey, Sarah Christensen, Malorie Canchola, Amanda Schofield, Mackenzie Kellar,
Courtney Nielsen, Becca Bennett, JaNell Rentschler, Johanna Bailey-Graham, Jennifer Tovar, Mickel
Politis, Jillian Hanes.
● Meeting Opened by Sarah Christensen with a welcome to all and a review of the previous
meeting’s minutes. Utah PTA Ethics/Conflict of interest policy was read, discussed and signed.
Utah PTA Basic Fiscal Management Procedures were read, discussed and signed
● Mr. Okey- He discussed Title 1 Schools, how they are designated and what funding is available
for support of our school and the school community. He let us know that the Community Council
needs members. They meet every 2 months at 3:30pm on a Monday. The Community Council
decides how Trustland Funds from the State of Utah are used in the school.
● Budget-Courtney Nielsen. Reviewed and passed around for examination by the attendees.
● Reflections-Sarah Christensen. A volunteer is needed to organize the entries and create a
Committee of Judges for the entries. Local school due date is 10/1/2022 with the official due
date being 11/4/2022. The theme is “Show Your Voice”.
● Carnival-Sarah Christensen. The Fall Carnival will be held on 09/15/2022 from 5pm-7pm. The
School will be hosting the Title 1 night alongside the carnival for greater reach and community
involvement. The teachers will be hosting grade level booths focused on Math, Science and ELA
concepts. The PTA will be hosting 2 inflatable activities, Wacky Trike races and a dinner of Nachos
with soda and water. The cost will be $5 per person with $20 for a family of 4 or more. We need
16 volunteers per hour with 3 at the cash boxes taking money (also selling shirts), 4 to man the
inflatables, 2 to run the Wacky Trikes and 8 for food. Jillian Hanes will make the signup genius
for volunteers, JaNell is researching food and Jennifer is going to design the Flyers and Punch
cards for Mr. Okey and we will talk more about it after the Labor Day Holiday.
● Project Signups-Sarah Christensen. A signup sheet for projects was passed around and
attendees signed up for different projects that the PTA has over the course of the school year. A
file of this sign up will be scanned to our records.
● Miscellaneous-Sarah Christensen. Jennifer Tovar will petition local businesses for prize donations
for the PTA. Malorie Canchola will run the pencil dispenser. Jillian will meet with Courtney for
MemberHub training and will add the emails of the new members to memberhub. Courtney will
add cash paying members to MemberHub.
● Motion to pass the budget was approved by 12 members in attendance at time of vote.
Meeting closed by Sarah Christensen at 6:02 pm