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PTA Minutes 4-1-2021

Date 4/1/21

In attendance: Jillian Hanes, Mickel Politis, Elise Tubbs, Sarah Christensen, Nikki Naylor, Courtney Nielsen

Treat Day: We voted to keep treat day. The feedback that we have received so far has been good from the teachers. They suggested offering more food choices for the older grades. Next year we will have a larger budget because the principal and others will give us additional money for the treat table. Aside from a few items that went extremely fast, we should have enough things to last us through the year. 

Yearbooks: The company we were with lost the initial contract, so we were not required to purchase what we originally thought was expected. We purchased 200 yearbooks; the cost of the year books was about $10 each, the total was $2180. The yearbooks should be 4 weeks out. We will likely change companies next year.

Read-a-thon fundraiser: We will be setting up the fundraiser through Memberhub, that way any family member can pledge money through the website easily. JaNell purchased all the big prizes last year before COVID closed the school, so those are already taken care of. We will give prizes to those who receive the most monetary donations and possibly draw random names for prizes from those who had any donation. We are going to try and get more prize donations from businesses. Jillian will put together a letterhead for approaching businesses. Jillian will talk to the used bookstore. Sarah will talk with Pizza Pie Cafe and Roy City Recreation. The dates we are looking at for the fundraiser are 4/19-4/23. 

Kite art project: The kite projects will take place 4/12-4/16 during computer time. We will each volunteer for shifts similarly to how we did for the snowflake projects.

Field Day: We still need to get the okay from the principal about whether we can have field day, but things are looking promising. We have $1000 budgeted for field day. We are considering having an inflatable obstacle course, carnival games, dunk tank (sanitize the principal), popsicle/ popcorn stand. Field day will be outside, so we will likely be able to have additional volunteers (other than the PTA board). 

Appreciation Days: Principal Day is May 1st and Teacher Appreciation is May 3-7.  We are thinking about getting Mr. Okey a custom tie with the Lakeview logo on it and possibly some embroidered polo shirts. For the teachers, we will use the forms we sent out at the beginning of the year that lists their favorite things. Some ideas that Jillian suggested were getting the teachers their favorite treat with a card saying how much the PTA appreciates them. Having a sub sandwich lunch with a note saying something like, “There is no “SUBstitute” for you!” A virtual assembly with video of students saying nice things about their teachers. Custom pencils with a message saying, “I stole this from a Lakeview teacher.” We should be able to get 400 pencils for $25 or so.

Board Members: Nikki Naylor will be added as the spirit day board member for next year. Vote was unanimous.