Community Council Minutes 3-6-2023
Action Items - Items to be voted on Time
Trustlands Goals 2023-2024 3:47
Council Member’s Name Vote Council Member’s Name Vote
Spencer Okey In Favor Nate Shoell In Favor
MacKenzie Kellar In Favor Nancy Crocker In Favor
Johanna Graham In Favor Sarah Christensen In Favor
Becca Bennett In Favor Camie Walker In Favor
On 03/16/2023 an email was sent from Mr. Okey to council members to vote on the amended
Trustlands Goals for 2023-2024 including all recommended revisions provided by the WSD review
committee. Council Members responded to the email with their votes accordingly.
Action Items - Items to be voted on Time
Trustlands Goals 2023-2024 (Amended) 4:30
Council Member, Vote Council Member, Vote
Spencer Okey In Favor Nate Shoell In Favor
Sarah Christensen In Favor Nancy Crocker In Favor
Camie Walker In Favor MacKenzie Kellar In Favor
Jenney Adams In Favor Johanna Graham In Favor
Jordan Schmidt In Favor Becca Bennett In Favor
DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: March 6, 2023 3:30 PM