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Agenda 10-08-2015


Present: Jenny Ross, Shirley Passey, Amy Peterson, Julie Bunderson, LaMar Bunderson, Jason Bird, Justin Starkey, Karlee Trease

  • This was our first meeting of the year. Everyone introduced themselves.
    --Shirley showed us how to get to the Lakeview elementary school website and find the information about Community Council
    --We reviewed some of the changes that occurred over the last year.
  • --Our school now has a new AmeriCorps person to help make a positive attitude in our school. Her name is Angela York. She calls the parents of kids who don’t show up for school. She helps the children that struggle turning in their homework by reminding them at the end of the day and asking in the morning if they brought it back. She has a ROAR club as well.
  • --Our school has gone from almost 30% of students with 10 or more absences down to 12%.
    --Our school will receive $31,000 -$33,000 this year from Trustlands.
    --If we have extra money, Shirley would like to use it to purchase a Chromebook cart.
    --We talked about how our school uses our Title I money.
    --We had a vote for officers. The Chairperson will be Karlee Trease. The Assistant Chair will be Julie Bunderson and the Secretary will be Amy Peterson.
    --Our meetings will be on the third Thursdays at 5:00. The dates are November 19, January 21, March 17.
    --For our next meeting we would like to talk about the following:
    --Show last year’s SAGE scores
    --Share successes
    --Any concerns
    --Title I Budget
    Meeting was adjourned.