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PTA Minutes 2-26-2020

PTA Meeting Minutes – Feb 26th, 2020

Attendance: Mrs. Passey, Jillian Hanes, Jill Ellsworth, Lisa Thomas, Melissa Talbot, Taylor Lee, Mickel Politis, JaNell Rentschler, Elise Tubbs

  1. Previous minutes approved unanimously
  2. Yearbook discussion led by Jillian
    1. winning designs shown for yearbook cover; all entries will be displayed in the school
    2. Cost of yearbooks. Pre-orders for the yearbooks will be $10/book; 12 after March 27th
    3. Jillian will ask Jen to ask teachers to email her pictures from their classes for the yearbook
    4. Jillian will have yearbook ready to submit by March 21, meeting on March 18th will approve the yearbook before submission
  3. Fundraising discussion lead by JaNell
    1. We will do a 1-week Readathon (possibly a 2 week)
    2. Teachers can submit classrooms minutes for class reading time and there can be a class prize for top class
    3. Kids can log individual home minutes, accumulate pledges for reading minutes or flat donations
    4. Kick off assembly Wed March 18th; prizes will be displayed in the hall
    5. The Readathon will run from March 23rd-27th
    6. JaNell will meet with Jenny Ross to discuss ideas for tracking, for simplifying, etc.
    7. Jillian will contact businesses for prizes and look into wristbands; everyone can help get ideas/donations for incentive prizes
    8. More details to be worked out
  4. Field day, Tuesday of the last week of school, tentatively scheduled, Consider doing survey for the 6th graders to help with participation
  5. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th @10:30am; agenda items include based on time permitting:
    1. approving yearbook before submission
    2. review of Kick off Fundraiser assembly; fundraising checklist
    3. possible review of ideas for field day
    4. date set for Volunteer Appreciation banquet
  6. Meeting adjourned at 11:20am