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PTA Video and News

 Next PTA  Meeting TBA

Kids receive a small treat on Fridays if they wear a Lakeview T-shirt.
PTA popcorn days are the second Wednesday of each month.  It is 25 cents a bag or free for the children of those that bought memberships.

February 23rd, 6:30 PM


Review of Minutes, Review of Budget, Nominating Committee, Vote on Officers for 2021-2022

Discuss plans for remainder of the  year. Discuss 2021-2022 plans

Meeting notes 9/30/2020

Time 5:00 p.m.

Location: Lakeview Elementary

In attendance: Principal Okey, Jillian Hanes, Cathy Fisher, Elise Tubbs, Mickel Rassmussen, JaNell Rentschler, Johanna, Sarah Christensen, Jill Ellsworth

Principal’s address: The PTA is still willing to donate money for the masks even though we are unable to use them at this point. There was a consensus to adjourn school early one day in December for a Leader in Me training. The PTA is willing to pay for one dinner at each Parent Teacher Conference. We will look for a local vendor who can do the dinner for the upcoming conference. 

Treasurer’s report: The money is allocated very similarly to last year other than we will not be doing the carnival and field day will be different if done at all this year. 

Budget review: The budget will be passed around for those in attendance to see. A large portion of the budget is going to year books. We have been in touch with the company to see if it is possible to change the amount of year books bought from 350 to a lower amount because we had several left over from last year.

T-shirts: We had several orders on Memberhub for t-shirts and will continue to use the website for PTA memberships and PTA related purchases including the fundraiser. 

Bylaws review: The Bylaws need to be renewed this year and will be adjusted to help us with compliance by lowering the number of people required for specific events. We will also be keeping the Bylaws in the front office in a folder for parents to view.

Book Fair: The Book Fair will be done entirely online this year. We don’t expect to have as much money as normal for donating to the teachers. We receive 25% of sales, and what we do receive, we will spend on books for the school. 

Fundraiser: We will do the fundraiser this fall on Memberhub, asking parents to donate money instead of having their children sell chocolates, cookie dough, etc. We are considering doing an additional fundraiser in the spring. 


PTA Meeting Minutes – Feb 26th, 2020

Attendance: Mrs. Passey, Jillian Hanes, Jill Ellsworth, Lisa Thomas, Melissa Talbot, Taylor Lee, Mickel Politis, JaNell Rentschler, Elise Tubbs

  1. Previous minutes approved unanimously
  2. Yearbook discussion led by Jillian
    1. winning designs shown for yearbook cover; all entries will be displayed in the school
    2. Cost of yearbooks. Pre-orders for the yearbooks will be $10/book; 12 after March 27th
    3. Jillian will ask Jen to ask teachers to email her pictures from their classes for the yearbook
    4. Jillian will have yearbook ready to submit by March 21, meeting on March 18th will approve the yearbook before submission
  • Fundraising discussion lead by JaNell
    1. We will do a 1-week Readathon (possibly a 2 week)
    2. Teachers can submit classrooms minutes for class reading time and there can be a class prize for top class
    3. Kids can log individual home minutes, accumulate pledges for reading minutes or flat donations
    4. Kick off assembly Wed March 18th; prizes will be displayed in the hall
    5. The Readathon will run from March 23rd-27th
    6. JaNell will meet with Jenny Ross to discuss ideas for tracking, for simplifying, etc.
    7. Jillian will contact businesses for prizes and look into wristbands; everyone can help get ideas/donations for incentive prizes
    8. More details to be worked out
  1. Field day, Tuesday of the last week of school, tentatively scheduled, Consider doing survey for the 6th graders to help with participation
  2. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th @10:30am; agenda items include based on time permitting:
    1. approving yearbook before submission
    2. review of Kick off Fundraiser assembly; fundraising checklist
    3. possible review of ideas for field day
    4. date set for Volunteer Appreciation banquet
  3. Meeting adjourned at 11:20am 


Lakeview Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes – Jan 22, 2020

Attendance: Elise Tubbs, Cathie Fisher, Jillian Hanes, Jill Ellsworth, Melissa Talbot, Taylor Lee, Lisa Thomas, Yvette Maynard, Sarah Christensen, JaNell Rensctler

Meeting commenced at 10:30am

  1. Previous meetings minutes approved unanimously
  2. Treasure report – Taylor updated the board on our budget; she will be taking care of taxes soon
  3. Holiday shop was discussed – what can we do differently next year? Do we want to continue? Are there other services we can provide the kids instead? Board voted in approval of continuing holiday shop, but discussed options for doing it ourselves by ordering our own inventory and making our own flyers. Merchandise offered by companies is questionable and complicates things. Jillian volunteered to be chairman for next year for this event
  4. Next year’s board was discussed
    1. President – Lisa agreed to continue one more year unless someone else wants the job
    2. Treasurer – Sarah or JaNell will take on this position
    3. Secretary – Cathie will continue as secretary next year
    4. VP Carnival – Elise may want to be chairman for next year
    5. VP Reflections – Sarah will do this again if she is here
    6. VP Yearbook – Jillian 
    7. VP Holiday shop – Jillian
    8. Teacher Appreciation week – Sarah if she is here
    9. Other responsibilities to be determined for 2020-21
  5. Yearbook for this year was discussed. Jillian Hanes proposal:
    1.  has company that can do books with 36 pages in full color with good binding for $10/book if we order 350. 
    2. Board approved her proposal and the order will go forward. She will do flyers for cover contest, pre-order forms, and information for parents
    3. Students will be given approx. 2 weeks to turn in cover designs for contests; top winner will go on cover, top winners in each grade will go on back
    4. Teachers will be asked to submit pictures to Jillian from their classes for yearbook
  6. PTA Juniors will be helping with spirit day candy distribution and popcorn day
  7. Feb 12th – next popcorn day, we must make sure we have all of the teacher’s bags before finishing with the deposit
  8. Fundraising was discussed by JaNell; Ideas, advantages, and disadvantages include:
    1. Another Funrun
      1. Some kids hated the fun run
      2.  kids with health problems were forced to run
      3.  the company took such a large cut
      4. The company made it easy
      5. The weather must cooperate
    2. Candy sales
      1. Some board members hate candy sales
      2. Parents get stuck with large bills for unsold candy
      3. Families were sent to collections which causes issues
      4. The candy is only a dollar a bar, some people like that
    3. Spelling Bee
      1. It would require a lot of involvement from already stretched teachers
      2. It wouldn’t be a WIN for everyone
      3. It is academic
    4. Funny alternatives for fundraisers such as “donate so you don’t have to sell” and “break a rule day were discussed.”
      1. Might be difficult to determine daily who gets to break what rule, etc.
    5. Readathon option was discussed with/without company help; incentives, awards, logistics all discussed at length
      1. Students would have to read; this is academically sound and not as demanding as forcing them to run
      2. There could be contests between classes in each grade
      3. Award ideas include popsicles for everyone on reading day, popcorn distribution, pizza party for top fundraising students
    6. Concerns with payment options was addressed primarily by Jillian. Electronic payments are discouraged, maybe even forbidden, by the Utah PTA. This may significantly cut down on fundraising balances.  Finding a way to receive payments electronically straight to the PTA is an issue. Questions should be asked to see if this can be an option in the future.


  1. Feb 26th @ 10:30m will be our next meeting.  We will be judging the yearbook cover designs submitted by student contestants and finalizing our yearbook and fundraiser ideas


PTA Meeting Minutes for Nov 6th, 2019 @ 10 am

Attendance: Lisa Thomas, Elise Tubbs, Cathie Fisher, Jamie Stonehocker, Jillian Hanes, Andrea Miles, Jill Ellsworth, and Taylor Lee

  1. Cathie read the minutes from previous meeting. They were unanimously approved by the board
  2. Elis Asked about having an online option for volunteering. Jillian Hanes is going to investigate to see if we can utilize this service for requesting volunteers
    1. Sign ups for spirit day and holiday shop were passed around for people to sign up
    2. On the suggestion of Jamie, Lisa will contact Ms. Salas to inquire on putting a PTA blurb in future Lakeview newsletters
  • Jillian Hanes was made an administrator on facebook to help facilitate more involvement with parents using social media
  1. Board members should use Copies Plus near Winegars for copying needs. They have our tax exempt number and give a discount. Kingko on 40th street in Ogden also gives a substantial discount. Jillian is going to talk to Copies Plus and see if they can offer further discounts or sponsorship for the Lakeview PTA
  2. Treasurer report by Taylor Lee
  3. Yearbook planning- Lisa needs someone to spearhead the yearbook this year. Jillian Hanes will be given access to the school’s pictures and will talk to the school photographer on Nov 20th to see what services they offer in the way of school yearbooks. She is also available to take photographs at school events that can be used in yearbooks after approval by Mrs. Passey or Jamie to ensure the privacy of certain students is respected
  • Fall Carnival discussion
    1. Lisa has ordered two different colored wrist bands. Attendees may purchase one for $5.00 to include unlimited games and one meal or they may purchase a wrist band option for $2.00 which includes one meal only.
    2. Families also have the option of purchasing a deal of $20.00 for a family of six
    3. Each game will have a different prize, purchased/provided by Lisa, and/or coupons acquired by donation from businesses by Elise
    4. We will set up at 2pm Nov 15th
    5. We almost have all the volunteers. There is a set up on google docs organized by JaNell. This will be shared with the board and printed for the event so that we can help direct volunteers to their assignments. We may still need a few volunteers
    6. Lisa and/or JaNell will remind volunteers of their committment
    7. Left over Lakeview t-shirts/hoodies will be offered for sale at the event
    8. We will be serving hot dogs, etc. and use roasters to warm the hot dogs
    9. We will not offer popcorn
    10. We will try to get the trikes for the event if possible
    11. Lonni will need the library; Jamie will ask about what 5 classrooms we can use, Tavanne will clear the stage for the corn poke game
  • Next meeting December 4th at 10am
  1. Meeting adjourned at 11:05am