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Trustland Plan 2024-2025

Trustland Plan



School Information

Name of Administrator: Stacy Rountree

 Name of School: Lakeview Elementary 


Goal # 1

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement

State Goal:

46% of students in K-6 will show typical or above typical growth from the beginning to the end of the 2024-2025 school year as measured by Acadience Reading. 


Academic Area:

  • English/Language Arts


Acadience Reading assessment data was used to identify Language Arts as a most critical academic need.  Acadience assessments will be administered to students at the beginning of the year, mid-year, and at the end of the school year to measure growth along with progress monitoring data. 


Action Steps:

  1. Land trust monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals. Using the Acadience Assessment children will be identified as intensive, strategic, or benchmark level. The reading specialist and paraprofessionals will provide small group reading intervention services for those students identified as intensive in grades K-3.  Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards, curriculum, data, adjust instruction, and Tier II intervention placement for language arts instruction. This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and Art/Stem. The computer specialist will focus on basic computer skills, keyboarding proficiency, and the use of computer-based programs which enhance math and reading instruction. The P.E. specialists will expose students to a number of different physical activities that encourage healthy lifestyles. The Art/STEM instructor will provide students with Art and STEM experiences.  ($32,000)
  2. Teachers in the classroom will utilize technology to increase student engagement, promote learning, and provide assessment practice through the use of leased portable chromebook labs with all students having their own chromebook. ($7500)

Planned Expenditures:



Estimated Cost

Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)

Land trust monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals. Using the Acadience Assessment children will be identified as intensive, strategic, or benchmark level. The reading specialist and paraprofessionals will provide small group reading intervention services for those students identified as intensive in grades K-3. ($32,000) Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards, curriculum, data, adjust instruction, and Tier II intervention placement for language arts instruction. This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and Art/Music. The computer specialist will focus on basic computer skills, keyboarding proficiency, and the use of computer-based programs which enhance math and reading instruction. The P.E. specialists will expose students to a number of different physical activities that encourage healthy lifestyles. The Art/STEM instructor will provide students with Art and STEM experiences.  


Rental of technology devices

Teachers in the classroom will utilize technology to increase student engagement, promote learning, and provide assessment practice through the use of leased portable chromebook labs with all students having their own chromebook. 


Total: $39,000


Digital Citizenship/Safety Principles Component- No

Goal #2

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

State Goal:

54% of students in K-6 will show typical or above typical growth from the beginning to the end of the 2024-2025 school year as measured by Acadiece Math. 


Academic Area:

  • Mathematics


The greatest academic need was identified by using data from grade level common formative assessments from the 2023-2024 school year.  Acadience Math assessment data was also used to identify Math as a most critical academic need.  Acadience assessments will be administered to students at the beginning of the year, mid-year, and at the end of the school year to measure growth along with progress monitoring data. 


Action Steps:

  1. Land trust monies will be spent to secure the services of paraprofessionals to work with students not proficient on math grade level essential learning targets. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards, curriculum, data, adjust instruction, and Tier II intervention placement for math instruction. This collaborative time will be created when students attend Computer, P.E. and FAME. The computer specialist will focus on basic computer skills, keyboarding proficiency, and the use of computer-based programs which enhance math and reading instruction. The P.E. specialists will expose students to a number of different physical activities that encourage healthy lifestyles. The FAME instructor will provide students with music and art experiences. ($20,500)
  2. Rocket math, a computer math program, will be used to support students in K-6th grade with math skills. ($800)



Estimated Cost

Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)

We will provide whole class Tier I & II instruction.  Additional targeted language arts instruction in grades K-6 will be provided by teachers and paraprofessionals. 


Software <$5000

Rocket math, a computer math program, will be used to support students in K-6th grade with math skills. 


Total: $21,300


Digital Citizenship/Safety Principles Component- No


Summary of Estimated Expenditures


Estimated Cost (entered by the school)

Software <$5000


Rental of technology devices


Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)




Funding Estimates- Please Update



Carry-over from 2021-2022


Distribution for 2022-2023


Total Available Funds for 2022-2023


Estimated Funds to be Spent in 2022-2023


Estimated Carry-over from 2022-2023


Estimated Distribution for 2023-2024


Total Available Funds for 2023-2024


Summary of Estimated Expenditures for 2023-2024


Estimated Carry-over to 2024-2025
