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Community Council Minutes 9-13-2021

Minutes for CC Meeting Sept 13th 2021

Attendance: Cathie Fisher, Nancy Crocker, Spencer Okey, Susan Schreiner, Sarah Christensen, Shane Robertson, Nate Shoell, Jordan Schmidt

-Welcomed new council member Sarah Christensen. Contact info: 801-472-8557, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-There was a tie in the voting for 2 other council members. Mr. Okey to send out a new voting link for a couple of days to break the tie. He will inform the 2 council members of the results.

-Trustlands money: Mr. Okey re-allocated which aides were getting paid out of Trustlands funds vs district funds. Now the less expensive aides get paid out of Trustlands money, so that has freed up about $8000. Mr. Okey proposes we use that money to pay for Dreambox licenses, as this year we had to pay for 250 licenses as opposed to previous years where we were granted more licenses for free.

-Mrs. Crocker explained how Dreambox is very helpful to the students.

-All of the other money from Trustlands is paying for aides.

-Lakeview has started doing 'Aide for Grade', one aide per grade that will be there most of the day to help the teachers in that grade with what they need.

-Mr. Okey discussed some Title I information. We have an amount of money we have to spend for parent/family involvement. PTA president Jillian Hanes proposed a carnival evening. Teachers will be paid a stipend to be there too, and prepare some reading, science, and math activities. The carnival will be focused on improving academic performance, but there will also be some fun activities. There will be a bounce house and inflatable slide. Supper will be provided- maybe burgers and hot dogs. The carnival will be held in October after parent teacher conferences (Oct 14-16), date TBD. The PTA will also be doing a fundraiser for the school during the carnival night.

-At the next Community Council meeting we will view a Trustlands video. 

-We will meet again Monday October 4 at 3:30 pm. 

-Cathie Fisher and Mr. Okey will email out reminders for the Oct 4 meeting to council members. 

-The meeting was adjourned.